Drawing from a variety of backgrounds and experience - our team delivers the highest quality experience for our participants. We understand exactly what it takes to provide excellence and are committed to doing so. We are in this for the right reason - It truly is about providing a program that compliments the occasion while educating and inspiring our participants and their audience

Joel Biggs
President / CEO
Joel is A veteran of international travel and special event production. He is a Lowell Mason Fellow - the highest honor presented by the National Association for Music Education. He a product of school music having participated in both band and choir in high school and college and recognized by the United States Marine Band as an outstanding student musician. Joel earned a Bachelor of Arts from Arizona State University and has also received an MBA. He sits on the board of various education, community and professional organizations.

Jeremy Biggs
Chief Financial Officer

Bert Johnson
Vice President / Executive Producer
Bert is a respected producer of music festivals and events having over twenty years of experience. He is a music teacher, arranger and performer. He produces FAME's SCNCS program, as well as other Sound Events and Festivals. Bert has received a Bachelor of Science degree along with numerous certifications and commendations. Bert has been the recipient of many honors and awards for outstanding event management and customer service.

Chris Meeker
Vice President / Executive Producer
Jeremy, is a veteran of the industry and understands that only a healthy organization can deliver a high quality program. Jeremy in an experienced financial annalist and manager. He provides over site and quality control while ensuring that customers are receiving the highest quality program for the best price. Jeremy has a Bachelor or Science degree along with numerous industry and professional certifications and distinctions.

Earl Hurrey
Vice President - Military / Veterans Affairs
Program Selection Chairman
Earl began his career as a school music teacher, he was an esteemed member and producer of the President's own Marine Band for twenty years before becoming an executive for Disney. Prior to joining Sound Educational Programs, Earl was the deputy executive director of NAFME (MENC). Earl graduated from Gettysburg College in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education, later earning a Masters degree in General Administration in Fine Arts Management and was later honored with numerous commendations including Lowell Mason Fellow.

Cherish Walser
Operations Specialist
Cherish works with our directors to ensure that their performance and travel experience is handled with the upmost care and professionalism. She negotiates and manages supplier contracts. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Geography with an emphasis in Travel and Tourism Studies from Brigham Young University.

Lori Marcum
Festival Producer
Lori, heads our office in Branson, Missouri and is an accomplished Festival Director and Customer Service Director. In over two decades with SOUND Education Programs, Lori has directed countless Festivals with our FAME division and has been the means of bringing some of the most talented and accomplished performing groups to our events.

Ron Stowell
Festival Director
Ron received a Bachelors in Music Education from Oklahoma State University, and a Masters from Pittsburg State University. He's been teaching vocal music at the secondary level for the past 47 years. Ron has taught in Redding, CA , Colorado Springs, CO, and Miami, OK. He has extensive experience adjudicating solos, ensembles, and choral groups on the local, state, and national level. He served as the first president of the Northeastern Oklahoma Choral Director's Association. He was a tenor soloist for Shasta County Chorale in Redding, CA and Colorado Springs Chorale in Colorado Springs, CO. Ron has been a proud member of the Sound Education Programs staff for the past 25 years.

Cathy Williams
Associate Producer
After nearly four decades of directing bands in West Memphis, AR, Cathy Williams retired and is excited to serve as an associate producer for Sound Education Programs. She has served as the Arkansas Bandmasters Association President, Arkansas School Orchestra Association President, Phi Beta Mu State President, and as the American School Band Directors Association State Chairman. A member of the International Board for Phi Beta Mu for nine years, Cathy was the Arkansas Bandmaster of the Year for 2014. She has traveled to all 50 states and 17 countries with her family, while additionally taking her own bands all over the United States. Cathy has traveled to Japan twice representing the Arkansas Bandmasters and has hosted Japanese Bands twice as they toured Arkansas. The president and co-founder of Spirit of Aloha, she continues to take Honor Bands and Choirs to Hawaii semi-annually. Cathy has tremendous experience in travel with student groups and brings much expertise in helping directors give their musicians outstanding travel opportunities.
Chris is an experienced producer of special events and festivals including the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade, D-Day Parade, and the American Musical Salute Program, in addition to numerous ceremonies, concerts and tributes around the world. Chris was instrumental in the success of the MENC National Anthem Project. Chris has earned Bachelors degree and numerous certifications and commendations.

Teina Woodburn
Producer / Strategic Partnerships
Teina is a 30 year veteran in the tourism industry in Branson, Missouri. Over the last twenty years she was a Senior Sales Manager with the Herschend Family Entertainment Company – a world-class organization. She has worked with music legends, Veteran heroes and up-and-coming artists, and groups of all kinds - especially military and students groups. With her sales, marketing and National Trade Show experience, Teina is an integral part of our team in building and maintaining excellent relationships with our travel professional partners.

Aaron Colette
Aaron is the producer of the National Fall Sing held each year in New York City at Carnegie Hall. He also produces the National Veterans Day Parade of Heroes in Washington DC each fall. Aaron, has a background in performing arts and has lived extensively overseas. He is fluent in French and is a Graduate of Brigham Young University.
Hugh Whittaker
International Relations / Historian
Hugh, has been with SOUND Education Programs and it's affiliates for more than two decades. He is a veteran of group travel and special event production. Hugh is an accomplished Historian and Linguist, speaking over five languages fluently. Hugh is our international liaison with both national and local government officials. Hugh is a graduate of Oxford University.
Tom Biggs
Director of Finance
Tom is a veteran of finance with over 40 years of experience in the banking industry. He has lived extensively in South America and Europe and is fluent in Portuguese. As Director of Finance, Tom ensures that SOUND programs remain in compliance and are on as solid financial footing. He also is involved in program development and event operations. Tom is a graduate of Arizona State University

Jonathan Berry
Associate Producer
Jonathan Berry is a 35-year veteran of Music Education in North Carolina teaching and inspiring kids in middle and high school bands in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg and Burke County School systems. He has received the FBA Award of Distinction on multiple occasions directing school bands recognized as Superior in marching and concert festivals/contests in local, regional, and national levels all-across the eastern United States, Hawaii, and in Europe. Mr. Berry has performed professionally with artists Phil Woods, Terry Gibbs, Richie Matteson, Buddy Baker, Jana Jae, The Aldridge Sisters, The George Jones Band, and with comedians Kitty Carlisle and Steve Allen. Mr. Berry’s bands have been featured on regional and national television both in the US and in Europe, and have been featured as host band for ACC Basketball and for the Carolina Panthers. Jon maintains a busy schedule of teaching, directing, and arranging music for school bands and for Drexel First Baptist Church where he serves as Director of Music. Jon is an active supporter and advocate of Veterans and the recognition of Veterans’ service and
sacrifices in national and international commemorative events. Hand in hand with Historic Programs, Jon has led many student groups to promote and commemorate the sacrifices of World War II Veterans in Normandy, France (Colleville-sur-Mer, Saint-Mer-Eglise, Point du Hoc, Brittany, and Saint-Lo) and in Paris, Germany, Luxenberg, England, and Hawaii. Jon has personally accompanied World War II Veterans as care-giver and guide enabling their travel
back to Europe to share experiences in events commemorating D-Day. Jon and his wife Karen are parents to three grown children and just celebrated the birth of their first grand-daughter.